The Benefits of our new Food Service FLICK

The Walker School has a new food provider service for the 2023-2024 school year known as “FLICK.” This new food provider brings a different perspective on food with goals of better nutrition through great food with excellent service. “Nourishing students and school communities is more than our business–it’s our commitment to building strong bodies and fueling sharp minds,” they say. FLIK has made great efforts to help and accommodate those with allergies and make sure various options are feasible for everyone. FLICK has an allergy chart next to the cafeteria’s bowl section to help those with food allergies. This chart shows what allergens are in what meals so those allergic to these items can eat and enjoy their lunch safely.

Picture: Xavier Berry

FLIK wishes for better nutrition for our school community by providing the school with various tasty and healthy food options. They provide a menu for each week’s lunch, showing the main entre and the side dishes, bowls, and desserts. Students have adapted to this new food provider with mixed reviews, and FLICK listens with open ears, allowing reviews from the Walker Community on a scale of one to five stars for each item from the menu. Being the “New Kid on The Block,” FLICK is adapting and giving its all to provide Walker with tasteful and nutritious food.

Pictures: Noah Pederson